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Enhancing Fertility Through Acupuncture and Emotional Wellness with Dr. Susan Fox

Enhancing Fertility Through Acupuncture and Emotional Wellness with Dr. Susan Fox

Jul 16, 2024

Unlocking Fertility: The Power of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Susan Fox, a renowned expert in fertility acupuncture from the Norcal Fertility Group. Dr. Fox has dedicated over two decades to helping individuals improve their fertility through the principles of Chinese medicine. Her journey into this field was serendipitous, but her impact has been profound.

"It's evidence-based. There is even now a website called Evidence-Based Acupuncture that goes through and culls research that has proven, to the extent that anything can be proven, its efficacy with a variety of conditions, including fertility."

Dr. Fox's innovative approach combines traditional techniques with modern advancements. She has recently transitioned from private practice to online education, making her expertise accessible to a broader audience. Her course, "Your Fertile Health" at Health University, integrates Chinese medicine and acupuncture without the need for needles. This course utilizes near-infrared protocols and transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS), allowing individuals to receive treatments from the comfort of their homes.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Dr. Fox's approach is her use of the Five Element Model in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This model categorizes individuals into five elements: wood, fire, earth, air, and water. Each element has its own characteristics and imbalances, which can impact fertility. Dr. Fox's course begins with a quiz available at, which helps individuals identify their dominant element and provides personalized recommendations to restore balance.

"This five element model reminds us that we are nature, that we are creatures of nature, and that there are aspects to our being-ness that are reminiscent of the five elements in nature. And we call them wood, fire, earth, air, and water."

During our conversation, Dr. Fox emphasized the importance of addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of fertility. Many individuals struggling with fertility feel disconnected from their bodies and overwhelmed by medical diagnoses and treatments. The Five Element Model helps them reconnect with their natural rhythms and understand their unique constitution.

Dr. Fox also shared practical tips that anyone can implement to improve their fertility. She highlighted the importance of nutrition, hydration, circulation, and sleep. A nutrient-dense diet, proper hydration with electrolytes, targeted circulation protocols, and restorative sleep are all crucial for reproductive health. She also cautioned against the use of over-the-counter supplements from unreliable sources, recommending that individuals seek guidance from trained professionals.

For those interested in learning more, Dr. Fox offers a free fertility quiz and a comprehensive online course. These resources provide valuable insights and actionable steps to enhance fertility naturally. Whether you're actively trying to conceive or simply interested in improving your overall health, Dr. Fox's expertise and compassionate approach offer a beacon of hope.

Tune in to our podcast episode to hear more from Dr. Susan Fox and discover how the principles of Chinese medicine can support your fertility journey. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the leading experts in the field and take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life.

We hope you enjoy this insightful and inspiring episode. If you find it valuable, please share it with others who might benefit from Dr. Fox's wisdom and experience.

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About Dr. Susan Fox

Dr. Susan Fox is an expert in the field of reproductive health and fertility. With over 23 years' experience, she combines evidence-based research protocols with traditional medicine practices to make lasting improvement in patient and client success. 

Her online program, Your Fertile Health at Health Youniversity (, teaches a 5-Element Model of Chinese Medicine that empowers individuals to understand the intricate connections between lifestyle factors, overall wellness, and fertility potential. Best of all, it is done in the comfort of one's own home (no more running to appointments!). The Your Fertile Health Program revolutionizes the way individuals approach their reproductive health, prepping the nest for IVF or natural conception.

Dr. Fox’s Website and Links

About Anna Rudel

Anna Rudel, L. Ac is the owner and founder of Lokahi Acupuncture Clinic in San Jose California, founded in 2003. Anna is a master organizer and clinician, and as a Coach she specializes in working with Clinic Owners in the state of California, and Acupuncturists and Acupuncture Clinic Owners, or groups wanting to add Acupuncture worldwide, as well as teams that need support with employee retention and satisfaction. Born in the UK, Anna has traveled extensively in Asia and now has a thriving multi-practitioner clinic in the US!

Anna's Website and Links

About Kendall Hagensen

Kendall is a Somatic Mental Health Therapist, Multidisciplinary Clinic Owner and Business Coach. She specializes in, and is passionate about, working with healthcare professionals to create the businesses of their dreams. Big goals always have a psychological component beneath the surface, so Kendall uses her background in Somatic Psychotherapy and EMDR Therapy mixed with Business Coaching tools to help clients develop a healthy relationship with their business and their strength as a leader. 

As someone who lives with a chronic illness herself, Kendall feels that health happens best within community, which is why she takes a holistic, integrative, and collaborative wellness approach to her personal and professional life.

Kendall’s Web/Social Links